Monday, October 20, 2014

Introductions And My First Pattern

I 'm Samantha :)
I'm a  24 year old stay at home mom with two VERY energetic little boys. My oldest goes to school and my husband works during the day so when it's just me and my little one we settle down for some fun crafts and a little bit of Paw Patrol on his part,with lots of potty and snack breaks through out the day.
I've honestly never written down my own crochet pattern before and I always kept making up excuses not to write down any of my patterns. Like "Oh I don't have the time I'm potty training the little man" or other easy little excuses but I finally decided to stop thinking about it and just do it. So with the help of my awesome friend Gloria I figured out what a blog was :)
Free patterns really helped me out when I first picked up my crochet hooks again after 10+ years so that's exactly what I want to start out doing. Hopefully this will help out anyone needing a quick and easy mitten pattern.

On a quick note I am the only one who has ever tried out this pattern so if you notice anything off about it please let me know so I can fix it :)

Toddler Mittens

H hook

yarn needle

purple yarn

pink yarn

half double crochet: hdc

single crochet: sc

slip stitch: ss

chain: ch

stitch: st

single crochet decrease: sc2together

in PURPLE ch 8

Row 1: sc in 2nd ch from the hook and in next 6 ch 1 and turn

Row2: sc across change color to PINK in last stitch DON'T CUT PURPLE

Row 3: sc across ch 1 and turn

Row 4: sc across change color to PURPLE in last stitch

Continue in this pattern until you have 20 rows changing color every 2 rows. change to PURPLE in last sc of row 20

Row 21: (PURPLE) sc across change to PINK in last sc ch 1 and turn

Row 22: (PINK) sc across ch 1, ss in bottom of first ch of row 1 and ss across, finish off and sew in remainin yarn

Round 1: hdc 22 evenly around cuff ss in top of first hdc and ch1

Round 2: sc in first 2 st, 2 stitches in next, continue to sc 1 in each stich till end ss in top of first sc, chain 1

Round 3: sc in same as ch 1, 2 sc in next, sc in next, 2 sc in next, sc 1 in next and continue around, ss in top of first sc and ch 1

Round 4: 2 sc in same as stitch as ch 1, sc in next, 2 sc in next, sc in next, 2 sc in next, sc 1 in next and continue around, ss in top of first sc and ch 1

Round 5: sc in same stitch as ch 1, sc in next, 2 sc in next, 1 sc in next 2 stitches, 2 sc in next stitch, 1 sc in next and continue around, ss in top of first sc and ch1

Round 6: sc in same as ch 1, ch 2, skip 9 stitches and sc in 10th stitch continue to sc in each st till the end join with ss into top of first sc and ch 1

Round 7: sc in same as ch 1, sc 1 in top loop of first ch, sc 1 in top loop of second ch, sc in each st around ss in top of first sc ch 1

Round 8-13: sc around ss in top of first sc ch 1

Round 14: sc in same st as ch 1, sc in next st, sc2together, *sc in next 2 stitches, sc2together* repeat to end, join with ss in top of first sc ch 1

Round 15: sc around join with ss to top of first sc ch 1

Round 16: repeat round 14

Round 17-18: sc aound join with ss to top of first sc ch 1

Round 19: repeat round 14

Round 20: repeat round 14, fasten off

Flatten mitten and attach yarn in top corner, ss across to close the hole at the top, fasten off and sew in yarn.

Attach yarn in first skipped stich of round 6 ch 1

Round 1: sc in same st as ch 1, sc in each skipped st of palm round 6, carefully sc in bottom loop of both ch stitches join with ss to top of first sc ch 1

Round 2: sc in same st as ch 1, sc in next, sc in next, sc2together, sc 1 in the next 3 stitches, sc2together, sc in the next, join with ss to the top of first sc ch 1

Round 3-6: sc around ch 1

Flatten mitten and ss along the opening to close the hole, fasten off and sew in yarn ends.

1 comment:

  1. Liked your intro, and I'm sure I would like the rest, given I had any clue about crocheting. But I'm hoping I pick up with lingo quickly and maybe practice some...takes me back to when my grandma used to try to teach me, but I was not so crafty............either way, Yay for your first blog post!
